Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sync your clouds with CloudHQ

Imagine. You have been using Dropbox for a few years and then your school introduces Google Drive. Or Evernote. Or One Drive. It's too late to start over; teachers and students all over the world have links to your documents where they are.

This is exactly what has happened to me: in its wisdom my institution here in Europe has decided to get us all to use the Microsoft cloud (called variously OneDrive; Sky Drive or Office 365). But I'm a confirmed Google Driver. I've got more than six years of 1 to 1 resources in there and they are linked by a web of links to my wiki and blog (with up to 5000 visitors per day). How would you go forward with this?

cloudHQ logoYou'd want to sync your clouds wouldn't you? That's what CloudHQ says it does. That would be between Google and MS in my case, but also Evernote and Dropbox and a load of others, covering many of the places that we teachers keep our digital teaching lives.

It's a paid service, but you can try it for free and it will also work at the institutional level.

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